Url https://omeka-s.grinnell.edu/s/MusicalInstruments/item/975 Resource class wmi:MusicalInstrument Title ratchet Subject 112.24 Publisher Ludwig Contributor Roger Vetter Type European Format 7.5 in. height Identifier 763 Language EN Alternative Title crécelle Ratsche raganella Medium wood metal Requires 1 Is Part Of Mixed Percussion Ensembles Grinnell College Music Instrument Collection Spatial Coverage Europe Provenance Grinnell College Music Department Basic form of sonorous object/s for idiophone tongue - idioglot Sound objects per instrument for idiophone multiple sounded collectively multiple sounded collectively Resonator design for idiophone no resonator Number of players for idiophone one Sounding principle for idiophone striking - indirect Sound exciting agent for idiophone collision with non-sonorous object Energy input motion by performer for idiophone cranking Pitch of sound produced for idiophones indefinite pitch Sound modification for idiophones none Category of Instrument idiophone --