Gaine sarangi
Gaine sarangi : gallery #1
Gaine sarangi : detail #1
Gaine sarangi : detail #2
Instrument Information
Continent: Asia
Region: South Asia
Nation: Nepal
Formation: Gaine
Classification (Sachs-Von Hornbostel revised by MIMO)
321.321 chordophone--necked bowl lute: the handle is attached to or carved from the resonator, like a neckDesign and Playing Features
Category: chordophone
String carrier design: lute - integral
Resonator design, chordophone: bowl with membrane soundboard
String courses: single
Vibrational length: pressure bridge to ridge-nut
String tension control: friction peg
Method of sounding: bowing (direct)
Pitches per string course: one and multiple (by pressure stopping against fretless fingerboard)
Primary Materials
membrane - mammal skin
string - wire
Entry Author
Roger Vetter, Gaelyn Hutchinson