Lele drum
Also: nonga
drum (Lele): gallery #1
Lele drum: detail #1
Lele drum: detail #2
Instrument Information
Continent: Africa
Region: Central Africa
Nation: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Formation: Lele
Classification (Sachs-Von Hornbostel revised by MIMO)
211.28 membranophone--vase-shaped drum: the body is waisted and rests on an open foot that may be flared; the upper section is conical, and the lower section, which is rectilinear or curvilinear in profile, tapers towards the foot; these drums have a single membraneDesign and Playing Features
Category: membranophone
Number of drums comprising instrument: single drum
Shell design: tubular - pedestal
Number and function of membranes: one, for sounding
Membrane design: framed by a flexible belt
Membrane attachment: unframed membrane laced to belt-like counterhoop encircling and nailed to shell
Membrane tension control: none, tension set at time of manufacture
Sounding for membranophone: striking directly with both hands
Sound modifiers for membranophone: none
44.1 in. height
Primary Materials
membrane - mammal skin
lacing - plant fiber
rubber - natural
Entry Author
Roger Vetter