Also: gambang kayu
gambang: gallery #1
gambang: detail #1
Instrument Information
Continent: Asia
Region: Southeast Asia
Nation: Indonesia
Formation: Javanese
Classification (Sachs-Von Hornbostel revised by MIMO)
111.212 idiophone--set of percussion sticks: several percussion sticks of different pitch are combined to form a single instrument, struck with a non-sonorous object (hand, stick, striker)Design and Playing Features
Category: idiophone
Energy input motion by performer: hammering
Basic form of sonorous object/s for idiophone: block - oblong bar
Sound objects per instrument: multiple sounded discretely
Resonator design: separate resonating space shared by multiple sonorous objects - built into instrument
Number of players: one
Sounding principle: striking - direct
Sound exciting agent: beater/s - stick/s with padded disc end/s
Energy input motion by performer: hammering
Pitch of sound produced: definite pitch
Sound modification: none
53.5 in. length (case) 20.5 in. length (longest key) 2.8 in. width (longest key) .25 in. thickness (longest key) 12 in. length (shortest key) 1.6 in. width (shortest key) 1.5 in. thickness (shortest key)
Primary Materials
Raden Riyo Mangkuasmara
Entry Author
Roger Vetter